STEM DAY 2021 – Hoạt động thường niên của tổ chức giáo dục FPT sẽ diễn ra ngày 30.5

- An ninh mạng (Cyber Security)
- Khoa học (Science)
- Hệ sinh thái kiến thức STEM (STEM-based Knowledge Ecosystem)
- Cảm biến Cách mạng 4.0 (Sensor – IR4.0 Collectors)
- Nông nghiệp (Agriculture)
FPT Education and UTP continuously co-organizes STEM Day 2021 for high school students
This year, we will have the keynote on “STEM-Catalyst of the Future” by Dr. Hayyiratul Fatimah Bt M Zaid from UTP.
Tin liên quan
PHỤ HUYNH FSCHOOL: KHÔNG ĐẶT NẶNG THÀNH TÍCH HỌC TẬP CỦA CON MÀ MONG MUỐN CON TRƯỞNG THÀNHĐà Nẵng dời lịch thi tuyển sinh lớp 10 đến ngày 15/06Phụ huynh Fschool: Lựa chọn trường cấp 3 cho con là một quyết định quan trọngThis presentation looks at the importance of STEM, how STEM education can open many doors for students – even students who don’t pursue a STEM career and the benefits it offers in this ever-growing world. The keynote lasts from 8.30 to 9.30 am on May 30th 2021.
Besides the keynote session, Stem Day will provide 5 parallel modules so that FPT High school student can learn and experience with UTP lecturers. 5 modules are conducted from 9.30 am to 11.30 am on May 30th 2021.
5 modules are as follows:
– “Module 1 – Cyber Security”: The Cyber Security module will provide learning deliverables in cyber security concept, cyber threat and protection from cyber threats.
– “Module 2: Science”: This Science module will expose different kinds of science elements. The participants will get the experience to integrate their knowledge in science through the aids of instruments.
– “Module 3 STEM-based Knowledge Ecosystem”: The Knowledge Ecosystem module will provide awareness on searching the correct and valid sources for learning purposes from STEM-related materials to aid in learning.
– “Module 4 Sensor – IR4.0 Collectors”: The Sensor IR4 module will provide learning deliverables in Industrial 4.0 concept, architecture and prediction.
– “Module 5 Agriculture”: The Agriculture module is created for awareness to our young community on the food system and agriculture sector.